Monday, September 05, 2011

live to eat...

the current environment and certain developments move us to write this.

we have just surfaced from the month of ramadan when the faithful fast. having observed the observation of this  month for 6 years at close quarters we can appreciate the strength of will required to go through an entire day without any ingestion whatsoever [including nasal drops] violating one's alimentary system. we appreciate it even more since we were sometimes forced to do likewise, given the restrictions on wayside inns and hostelries in dobuy and allied parts during the month! but we like the explosion of gastronomy at the end of the daily fast, when 'give us this day our daily bread' becomes a clamour rather than a silent prayer, and the fasting gentry square their elbows and get busy!

we also had occasion to observe the goings-on at ramlila maidan. where the concept of a fast was taken to its illogical conclusion. in a land where many go hungry due to circumstances rather than by choice it is a cruel method of espousing a cause. and nothing will convince us that fasting is a means of empathising with the lower two-thirds.

be that as it may, we have always lived to eat, as seen by our girth and the fact that we eat whatever doesnt eat us [we are convinced we have chinese ancestry somewhere up the line], and therefore, if we do have to espouse a cause, we will slow, rather than fast, and thank the powers that be for a good appetite and the means to have a good meal. rather be aspirational for the masses than join 'em!

bon appétit!

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