Wednesday, April 07, 2010

whither mid-life crisis...

some people suffer MLC, some acquire MLC and some have MLC thrust upon them.
our question: when life has not commenced, whither MLC?
but we do seem to be displaying certain traits which could be classified under MLC:
- irritability
- inability to sustain or start meaningful relationships
- lack of focus
- no interest in previously enjoyed hobbies / pastimes / activities
- emotional coldness
- feeling of being overwhelmed at work or in personal situations [feeling out of control]
- inattentiveness
- sexual frustration
- lack of motivation

so what do we do with all these decidedly inelegant trappings? so far we have favoured escapism - preferring our own company, refusing opportunities for social outings, staying indoors with a book, auto-satisfaction... we also sometimes wonder whether we are like this due to tiredness, getting into situations or mindsets that create angst / torpor / feelings of inadequacy. we find ourself getting increasingly bogged down and stuck in a mindless routine that adds no value to our life.

we sometimes feel we need a goal. a focus. perhaps this should be explored.
the reason this post is in a blog on dobuy? our current lifestyle and situation emanate from our work conditions. which are not to our liking.

we will explore this further...

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