Thursday, October 19, 2006

random pensées

just to get back into the groove as it were. diarists in times past used quills, reed and wood to fashion their writing instruments. the modern diarist uses the keyboard. is that writing? or is that data entry (i dataentered this blog on thursday...).

news today of a neighbour's death from over-indulgence in the demon brew. the 2nd in his family to be killed thus. this family is a microcosm of a larger economic context - a vicious circle of poverty, big-city aspirations, minimal education and a grinding inability to bring in resources to get out of this circle. leading to escapism, a denial of reality.
had spent some pleasant times as a boy with this man. and i will always be grateful to this family for making me develop a more rounded perspective. and also because seeing their situation helped me stay rooted to a hard reality - life CAN be unfair. so make the most of it while it is.

have developed this funny craving for chelo kebabs. thankfully, staying in dxb ensures access to this most sinful of delicacies, first experienced in a bombay eatery whose fame and recall just highlight the fact that PR can do wonders, even without underlying substance.

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