Wednesday, October 25, 2006

a holothurian or femella as a pet?

would u care to have this as your pet:

Excerpt from The Times: The creatures, also called sea cucumbers, or bĂȘches-de-mer in French and namako in Japanese, are one of the items on Asian menus that Westerners often find most difficult to swallow. Known to scientists as holothurians, they resemble bloated brown sausages studded with warts. They scavenge from the sea floor, catching plankton and ocean debris in their tentacles. When alarmed by predators, they react first by firing sticky threads, and then by vomiting their internal organs, which later regrow. As if that wasn’t enough, they breathe through their anuses.
but taking a buddhist perspective (of all living creatures having SOME use), people of far-east asian ethnicity consider this as a delicacy, best had boiled and dried (perhaps with a spot of chutney on the side). bet no japanese kid yells if he has to eat broccoli...

as for me, i would rather have THIS as my pet:

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