Friday, November 05, 2021

The Moving Finger Writes…

This is neither a tribute to Omar Khayyám nor am I trying to copy Agatha Christie (the other Agatha mentioned by a fellow author is neither here nor there).

Yes, I did say “fellow author”. For I have joined the hallowed, serried ranks of those who write. Of those who put thoughts on paper for a reader, who write not in ledgers but books.

In keeping with modern trends and thoughts, my first book is what's called an "e-book", a Kindle edition made possible by a certain bozo called Bezos. It might lead to untold riches and fame. Or it might not. But that is not the point, n’est-ce pas!

People are at a loss to react to a statement such as “I am an author”. The reactions range from “awter?” (awful writer) to “aawter?” (aaw he’s a writer!!). You also hear a shuffling sound as people try to subtly move away from you, fearing a sales pitch, or worse, an offer for a free reading!

But my readers do not have to worry. I do not intend to force my output on unsuspecting people or those who read nothing more taxing than the cereal boxes at breakfast. I know my readers are more discerning, and will go through vale and meadow, climb through boughs and tramp through deserts, to get my book. (Actually, all they will need to do is log in). For the princely sum of 99p or equivalent in coin of the realm of their country my readers will get access to a book that will elevate, entertain and amuse.

Everyone can be a writer, but to be an author requires a tenacity of purpose, above-average dermal thickness, the ability to look beyond the here and now, and the inexplicable desire to enrich people’s lives through engaging prose. Ah well, it could be verse.

The story doesn’t end there. This is merely Volume 1. The worth of an author, even an e-author, can only be seen if he is voluminous. So, there will be Volume 2. Possibly a Volume 3 and Volume 4. Followed by a compendium.

So please log in and get engaged. And help a struggling author in his quest to spread sweetness and light! You could also listen to a song about paperback writers by a group of 4 lads, while tapping on the keyboard.


B t w said...

May you turn prolific.
(May that also mean prosperous!)

Best wishes for a rewarding journey...


Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading it.

Baxicius said...

Thank you kind sir :)