Tuesday, December 18, 2012

'car'ried away

we arent known for being one of those emotional "SNAG" [sensitive new age guy] types. truth be told we tend to model our outlook on life along the lines popularised by monsieur bond or jeeves - maintain the impassivity of a sphinx.

however a recent development has left us rather heartbroken [not to put it too mildly]. we had to put herbie1 out to pasture for reasons of cold economics - the cost benefit analysis had gone haywire and we were obliged to fork out increasing amounts out of  the treasury to maintain her in the style to which she was accustomed. so one grey saturday evening last week we went online and she was given away to another man in under 60 seconds [we kid you not]. the man came, he saw and he went with her that same evening, leaving us to trudge back home alone in the chilly evensong.

3 years, 100,000 kms, a few dents and loads of happy memories, including herbie meeting herbie [see above] made our first car a treasure and a pleasure to own and ride.

two days ago we saw herbie parked by the roadside and we fought down a lump or two. she had always been sheltered in a garage and to see her in the open like this was wrenching.

herbie shall always be around - just the shape and make will change. and herbie1 will be the benchmark.

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