Monday, December 31, 2012

Dragons and Snakes

ah weel and one more of them years comes to an end. and another one starts. all part of the great chakra as buddha or one of his contemporaries put it...

do we feel like contemplating highs and lows of the year past? do we feel like previewing the upsides of the year to come? or do we just feel like letting it go and letting it come. without a titter.

be that as it may, we bid adieu to the dragon and welcome the snake, and hope and pray that the year will be a fun one for all. we will enter our 7th year in dobuy and hopefully that augurs well for both dobuy and us!

we look forward to wine classes, a whiff of la belle france, a langourous vac at home and a slightly V-er shape than the one we currently have!

and as you uncork the red, spare a thought for those unfortunate enough to subside on water, milk and similar. or rum and coke. santé!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

rape: repressed libido or heightened testoterone?

we find the act of rape rather unfathomable. copulation at best is supposed to be blissful, wonderful, rejuvenating etc etc etc [we have not indulged in it so far but have read up extensively]. at worst it  is a mechanical act resembling pistons moving in rhythm. several psychological aberrations are attributed to lack of or excess of the act. of course for wannabe monks like ourself such aberrations are not applicable.

but given that is a natural urge and a requirement for the continued wellbeing of the human race, we would have expected it to be as natural as, well, breathing. but alas that is not so. in our native land the act of copulation is considered to be terribly unclean and impious. funny coming from a country of over a billion but there you go. the topic is taboo, it cannot be verbalised, drawn, picturised, caricatured, written about or otherwise brought up to the public eye. for we are indian!

hence the average indian man is an extremely repressed individual with little or no recourse to physiological relief. he starts to resemble a bubbling volcano and break out in spots or pimples due to the excess glandular heat generated. while the hideous practise of marrying off the boy at 21 helps mitigate this matter to some extent the vast majority of the men in the country have to practise manually or raid the cattle shed if available. this also is due to the fact that there just arent enough girls to marry off to all the men around. which in turn can be attributed to female infanticide in some areas, deffered motherhood in others, etc etc. which in turn can be attributed to socio-economic dysfunctionalities, engendered by skewed development rations.

the point we are trying to make is that rape is not a single solution problem, like mathematics or nuclear physics. it is an outcome of a complex set of factors that lead to one cataclysmic moment when lust overtakes prudence or manners. we submit that is is not enough to change laws and make rape punishable by death, etc. those are post-facto reactions. we do not have solutions at hand of course, but we can start by demystifying sex and treating it as just another bodily function. and stop hidebound morons from making a song and dance about the insolence of using "radha" in a "provocative dance". or morones, since this particular incident was by a lady. who has a child. no doubt generated through a tube, given her attitudes towards the act!

however, changing the great indian attitude is another matter. perhaps a book can be hacked out of it. we can only pray that one great indian attitude - that of respecting women - comes back to the fore.

herbie's l'il cousin!

all right folks, here she is - herbie's l'il cousin! cute as a button, zips along like a scalded cat and is a bit hard to control on the curves :) we hope to get some wee lass to drive around, especially those with kittenish tendencies!
tell us what you think of her!
herbie is missed of course, but then the differential doesnt always run true with the gear!

we are going global

heck! we have just learnt that we have several readers. 25 nos in all! comprising of:
United States

we have absolutely no idea how we appeal to folks along the dneiper but who are we to crib about readership! all we can say is welcome! and we hope you continue to enjoy what we put forth!

we are also amused that we have readers in the US. thought they only read gun manuals...

we are encouraged by these findings to give more of our best so stand by!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

'car'ried away

we arent known for being one of those emotional "SNAG" [sensitive new age guy] types. truth be told we tend to model our outlook on life along the lines popularised by monsieur bond or jeeves - maintain the impassivity of a sphinx.

however a recent development has left us rather heartbroken [not to put it too mildly]. we had to put herbie1 out to pasture for reasons of cold economics - the cost benefit analysis had gone haywire and we were obliged to fork out increasing amounts out of  the treasury to maintain her in the style to which she was accustomed. so one grey saturday evening last week we went online and she was given away to another man in under 60 seconds [we kid you not]. the man came, he saw and he went with her that same evening, leaving us to trudge back home alone in the chilly evensong.

3 years, 100,000 kms, a few dents and loads of happy memories, including herbie meeting herbie [see above] made our first car a treasure and a pleasure to own and ride.

two days ago we saw herbie parked by the roadside and we fought down a lump or two. she had always been sheltered in a garage and to see her in the open like this was wrenching.

herbie shall always be around - just the shape and make will change. and herbie1 will be the benchmark.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

and a new baxi has arrived!

since our writings are partly to celebrate life we are quite thrilled to announce the landing of the latest baxi lass - the wee myla. ok so she's my nephew's gal but we dont bother with such segmentation! take a look:

this wee gal comes with a strong heritage - the female of the baxi species is quite a specimen. full of beans, chutzpah and a very no-nonsense outlook on life. they tend to light up whichever homes they go to, and we are privileged to be part of the lineage too! [mebbe thats why we prefer bachelorhood - difficult to find women who would match this lineage!]

so we wish myla a jolly, rocking life [her parents are quite cool] and we shall no doubt be seeing her soon, wind and weather permitting.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

from the royal to the individual

i have always posted on this blog in the 1st person plural mainly i guess as a means of 'walling' my identity for some yet-to-be-defined reason. some might attribute this to a contrived sense of brown-sahibism for which i make no apologies. but heck let me see what transpires. i can always switch back to us.


we always look for propitious dates for new beginnings. as an india born and bred mammal we live[d] surrounded by the weighty preponderance of the DATE. said noun used in the temporal context not in the edible or amatory context.

re-starting our blog is not a new beginning. however we cannot deny the fact of lassitude when it came to writing here. but the chance of posterising this post on a date which occurs only once in a millennium was too attractive to drop. hence, having writ, we write again.

a lot of people did "special things" today - marriage, births, feasts, so on. for us this is special.

now the serious stuff: should we use this moment for intense introspection / explicit externalisations? we are not really equipped for such soulitary pursuits [being an air sign we flit here and there]. but the time has come for some streamlining. time to take charge of our direction.

stand by for more.