Wednesday, June 15, 2011

hope revives?

gleaned from a recent peek into the yellow press: "at 44, there are 15 percent fewer available males than females".

we are quite intrigued at the potentialities of this finding. for it makes the chase easier. back when we had hair we were a mere blip in a sea of eager males desiring female attention. now that the competition is tapering off, we will dust off our old waistline, buff the pate and step forth. attention les femmes!

however we cant help think that we may not really need to do all this. we are so used to our current celibatory status that any deviance gives us the heebies...

and therein lies our conflict.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

petits pas de retour

we occasionally slip into la belle langue, just to check that we still know how the verbs go and to generally put on airs.

we are coming back gingerly onto our adventures so readers [both of you] kindly bear with us till we get used to thinking in blog-terms.

more posts to follow. un frisson de joie court à travers mon corps...

Friday, June 03, 2011

did anyone miss us...?

hellow world! nearly 6 months since we gave of our best. and what all has happened in that time!?
- apple has become almost an orchard
- the arab spring was sprung on us
- we almost saw a new corporate entity - nokiasoft [tho this may still happen]
- a wee lad from buck house married his sweetheart and showed the world that barbara cartland WAS in possession of her faculties
- didi replaced COM with CON in bengal. kolkata will never be the same. but can she now at least comb her hair and look a bit more human??
- we changed our look to bald n boo'ful and now look like a fraud lebanese man
- a kitten entered our life and gives us many a happy moment
- two very respected influences in our life left us suddenly
- tablets moved out of the pharma world and entered computing and telephony
- we switched from coffee to tea. and only a certain yellow label started by a lad named thos.
- our eldest sibling finally got her own email id and we are terribly proud of her
- un p'tit sarko is expected imminently
- herbie continues to give of her best. just back from a nip n tuck session
- we are lusting after an i-pad
- the space shuttle is about to get spaced out.
- osama kicked the bucket with a little help from friends
- the imf showed its not immune to a bit of nookie. but hey yankees need to understand that the frogs have a far more evolved world-view. so quit being so uptight!!
- we learnt that we can live without facebook [need to post that asap]

and what have you all been upto then...?