Sunday, November 07, 2010

the evolution of humans

first came the human being
then came the human bing - the human who knows everything
and now we see the human bling - the human who shows everything

dobuy is the spiritual home of the last-mentioned and we had occasion recently to observe the latest specimen in action. mainly of the female persuasion but a few of the other sex too. and 'twas fascinating to see how bling could cover diverse product categories - nails to clothes to mobile phones to sports to books to authors... plenty of hand waving and twirling to draw the bling-lines!

given our rather blunt nature and take on currently lived life, we were amused and also a touch annoyed at such fripperie. but we let live, for while there may be larger issues worthy of communal discussion, existential dilemmas occur to even the feather-headed. may their tribe shine on!

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