Wednesday, July 28, 2010

herbie at 1

the proverbial 'how time flies' context - herbie is already a year old! actually the whole saga of driving lessons, road tests, acquiring the license and herbie's arrival  into our life is worthy of a story at least! but we shall spare our readers the trauma - suffice to say that dobuy is not the easiest place for indians to get a driver's license - used as they are to considerable 'license' in the system back home!

herbie came home at 7 pm on 28 july 2009 and we missed a turning on the drive home. went about 10 kms out of our way before we could find an exit to turn back! guess thats what happens when you dont take time to understand the other part of the duality - we took just 10 mins to approve her and it was not exactly love at first steer!

the first 1000 kms were driven at a stately 80 kmph so that she could get her RPMs in order. then came october 2009 and daily trips to abu dhabi for a project. 15 days and she clocked up 3000 kms without a grimace. and thats when we fell completely for her. dusty, scratched and her first bump but she drove like a dream! and still does. and now 30,000 kms later, she has a few more bumps but her song is as sweet as the first day! and the last 12 months for us have not been the same!

so happy bday herbie! you make our days and most nights comfortable!

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