Wednesday, July 12, 2006

We are all British!!

Hillary Rodham Clinton traces her origins to the same part of northeast England as George Washington, the first president of the United States.

The great-great-grandfather of George Clooney, the actor, emigrated from Ireland and became a jeweller.

President George W. Bush is connected by one blood line to Wild Bill Hickock, the western gunfighter. (Blood SHOULD spill if this news really gets about.)

Tom Cruise traces his roots to a Welshman who emigrated to Kentucky in 1850.
(His real is Thomas Cruise Mapother IV. He has all our sympathies. Must have really annoyed his parents.)

Tom Hanks, the actor, is distantly related to Abraham Lincoln. (wonder if thats the inspiration for the beard in Castaway).

(since my parents were technically british till independance, i wonder if i can claim british ancestry... any light on this will help my move to the mother country!)

1 comment:

Baxicius said...

One of the most popular food chains traces it's origins to the Scots.

It's called:
