Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Go to Hell!

On the Day of The Devil (according to popular custom), thought would pitch in to help drive tourist traffic to this little town in Michigan, USA. Around since 13 October 1841, with a permanent pop. of 72. Joins other American towns and cities with names that defy logic - Arab, Intercourse (Alabama), Unalaska (Alaska), Allah (Arizona), Yellville (Arkansas), and so on and so back. For more pointless city names in a rather pointless country refer to http://www.thealmightyguru.com/Pointless/Cities.html.

Was planning to go see The DV Code today - devils day and what have you. ticket cost (AED 30) and a tendency to fall asleep in my coffee (result of being at client's service till 4 in the morn two days running) forced me to change plans. shall festina lente and put up the feet with a pipe tonight instead. with a stiffish G n T.

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