Thursday, February 23, 2006

Desert, anyone?

'tis wet, windy and woebegone outside. always thought that dubai was on or near a desert. one lives and learns. maybe all the construction is pushing back the sand (20% of the world's construction cranes are in Dubai).
Funny to watch people handle the rain here. Traffic alerts every minute on FM, slick roads, cars crawling at 40 kmph instead of 140, people calling in late or not coming in at all... and all this only after 5 mm of rain! wonder what they would do with 900 mm of the stuff. probably sink wells...
This is the second rain in as many days here, and more expected over the weekend.
Seems the desert safari is one of the must-dos here. Perhaps when it stops raining.....


Baxicius said...

working on sundays is as yet an interesting concept. tho it plays havoc with a système digestif used to a long lie-in & brunch.
glorious weather today. to quote emsworth: "the sky".

vaz said...

i can bet:) but on the +ve side, complete off on fri's and half thursdays is kinda like mid week school chuttis isn'nt it:)
take care and keep blogging:)

Baxicius said...

any idee who vaz is?

vaz said...
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