Tuesday, July 01, 2014

random musings on a hot july day

on this 1st day of july, 14 days from the day of the bastille, 15 days from the birthday of our youngest niece and 20 days from the birthday of our eldest niece, a few random thoughts with the morning potion!

like, the holy month of ramadan could prove to be one heck of a tough month this year. nearly 19 hours of fasting for the pious and the believers, with nary a gap in between. we wish them a blessed month.

like, we are currently in a mind battle over the desire to lose weight and the urge to just chill on our sofa and watch the world go by on the beeb. but this is not a battle that we can afford to lose. we have to get into a normal shape chop chop. for reasons that are not meant for the public!

like, the 2nd half of the year promises to be as weird as the 1st half. that is the downside of working with people whose brains are parked behind their knees. and while we shall not regret working here [all part of the life experience] we shall certainly opt out of working for indians. esp those who are abaft 18.5203° N, 73.8567° E

and on that note we bid our readers ta for now and to await with bated breath the next portion!