Wednesday, May 12, 2010

things we would not want bill s.peare to hear

over 4 years in dobuy we have heard various musical and grating renditions of the queen's language, especially by the gentlefolk from the more rugged and lawless parts of the land of the pure.

we have also read written renditions which would make himmler writhe in horrendous wonder.

but this line gleaned from that fine flag-bearer of the language - the letters to the times page - made us blanch,  twist, shudder, groan and entertain homicidal thoughts about the writer, especially since he is from our land - the last bastion of english "as she is spoken" after the motherland:

"I am **** from india very accept when I hered about this news.this was the worst crash in libia.I just pray for victims family."

we salute the writer's sentiment, obviously heartfelt. we do not condone his mangling of the language. men have been decapitated for less.