Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Gandhi redux!

developments over the last few weeks have forced a rethink. a rather big hammer wielded by fate has led to us abandoning the gay (pl no pun) merry life and embarking on an austere quasi-monastic existence. we shall henceforth (at least till further notice) refuse the leg of lamb, the sikandari raan, the t-bones, the koftes and allied meat-of-the-matter viands and concentrate on garden-fresh veggies and the occasional fish. we will also have to abandon plans for now for a camel BBQ planned at the end of this month.

the health is not what it used to be, and this was discovered just after the last post. additional incentive to sort out the health was the size of the doc's bill. the same number as the year!

shall be back in a few days with more interesting stuff.